In this section, we will attempt to document some of the relevant historical information that is available regarding blood. Then we will look at the modern historical developments regarding the Watchtower Society’s blood policies. Finally, we will look at the evolution of the blood doctrine into its present form.
Blood in Early Christianity
The Modern Historical Perspective
The Evolution of the Watchtower Blood Policy
- The History of Watchtower’s Blood Policy
The following articles may also be relevant for those interested in historical developments related to the Watchtower’s blood policy.
Family Choices, Silent Heroes — Grandpa Gust’s life was saved by his nephew
As a little girl, I observed that my Grandpa Gust had a damaged eye. I was told the story of his accident many times — how he had almost died, but a talented brain surgeon saved his life. However, I never knew the full story … until now. I am a 4th-generation...
Kalila Danisi – The Heartache and History of the Jehovah’s Witness Blood Doctrine
by Anonymous Jehovah's Witness correspondent* Is it truly acceptable for a 20-year-old to die from a potentially preventable cause? This question compels me to stop procrastinating and write about the poignant ethical dilemma faced by Jehovah’s Witnesses regarding...
Saving A Thousand Lives a Year
The Open Minds Foundation has published a two-part story that recounts some of the early history of AJWRB, and the circumstances that drove Lee Elder to take a deep interest in the Watchtower's blood transfusion policies. His story is a personal one that includes how...
Watchtower “No Blood Card”
The "No Blood Card" that Jehovah's Witnesses carry has experienced significant changes over the years, as you will see in this article. It was simply referred to as "the blood card" for many decades, then came to be called "the Advanced Medical Directive". Another...
Albumin – Watchtower Quotes
What follows is a collection of quotes from Watchtower Society literature on the subject of albumin. Watchtower writers and representatives are fond of saying that they have "commented consistently" on albumin and other blood fractions. Their published statements...
Blood Serum – Watchtower Quotes
Blood serum is the clear fluid that remains after the cellular components (red cells, white cells, platelets, clotting factors and fibrinogen are removed. It includes all proteins not used in the clotting process. What follows is a collection of quotes from Watchtower...
Science and Medicine – Watchtower Quotes
What follows is a collection of quotes from Watchtower Society literature.This information will help researchers understand the mindset that existed within the Watchtower Society regarding science and medicine at the time the blood doctrine was beginning to...
March 15, 1998 Letter to Governing Body
The following letter was mailed to the Governing Body on March 15, 1998. They never responded. ASSOCIATED JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES FOR REFORM ON BLOOD P.O. Box 190089 - Boise, ID 83719-0089 - U.S.A. Website: Email:...
Jan. 27, 1997 Letter to Dan Sydlik
The following letter was sent to a member of the governing body in 1997 prior to the publishing of any information by AJWRB in the hope that it could be avoided. There was no response and the web site "New Light on Blood" came online the following month. January 27,...
Debbie Shard’s Story
I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness in a family with a long history as members, going back to 1910. And I grew up truly believing it was the truth. However, there were many issues, as I grew older that disturbed my conscience and so I want to tell my story. My dad was...