by Lee Elder | | History, Medicine, Science, Watchtower
What follows is a collection of quotes from Watchtower Society literature.This information will help researchers understand the mindset that existed within the Watchtower Society regarding science and medicine at the time the blood doctrine was beginning to...
by Lee Elder | | History, Reform, Watchtower
The following letter was mailed to the Governing Body on March 15, 1998. They never responded. ASSOCIATED JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES FOR REFORM ON BLOOD P.O. Box 190089 – Boise, ID 83719-0089 – U.S.A. Website:
by Lee Elder | | History, Reform, Watchtower
The following letter was sent to a member of the governing body in 1997 prior to the publishing of any information by AJWRB in the hope that it could be avoided. There was no response and the web site “New Light on Blood” came online the following month....
by Lee Elder | | Children, Correspondence, Experiences, History, Reform
I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness in a family with a long history as members, going back to 1910. And I grew up truly believing it was the truth. However, there were many issues, as I grew older that disturbed my conscience and so I want to tell my story. My...
by Lee Elder | | Experiences, History
If there’s one thing that people identify Jehovah’s Witnesses with, it’s their refusal of blood transfusions. I know it was a doctrine that I once believed was right for me and my family. If a medical emergency had arisen, a blood transfusion would not have been...
by Lee Elder | | Articles, History, Medical Professionals, Reform, Science
Watchtower Approves HemoPure (Bovine Hemoglobin) for Jehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s Witnesses have long been known for their rejection of blood and blood-component transfusion, even when it is necessary to save life. In a remarkable change in policy, the...
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