by Lee Elder | | Experiences, Medical Professionals, Medicine
My name is Robert Weslowski Jr. (Bob), and I am from Tucson, Arizona. Back in 1996, my father, Robert, who was 72 years old, entered a local hospital via the emergency room complaining of severe stomach pains. This was not unusual for him as he suffered from severe...
by Lee Elder | | Legal, Medical Professionals, Medicine, Reform, Science, Watchtower
The Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses in general still cling to the “no blood” mantra. As you will see in this section, that claim is extraordinarily dishonest. The Watchtower has approved the use of all red cell, white cell, platelet and plasma...
by Lee Elder | | History, Legal, Medical Professionals, Medicine, Watchtower
The “No Blood Card” that Jehovah’s Witnesses carry has experienced significant changes over the years, as you will see in this article. It was simply referred to as “the blood card” for many decades, then came to be called “the...
by Lee Elder | | History, Medical Professionals, Medicine, Science, Watchtower
Blood serum is the clear fluid that remains after the cellular components (red cells, white cells, platelets, clotting factors and fibrinogen are removed. It includes all proteins not used in the clotting process. What follows is a collection of quotes from Watchtower...
by Lee Elder | | Medical Professionals, Medicine, Reform, Watchtower
One of the most effective ways we have found in assisting other Witnesses to analyze the WTS blood doctrine is through the use of questions. The following questions have been used by AJWRB members and physicians in different parts of the world. If you are...
by Lee Elder | | Children, Medical Professionals, Reform, Science, Watchtower
The following article is republished from the Blog of Marvin Shilmer and demonstrates that the Watchtower Society (WTS) is continuing to quietly back down from their once firm position on the use of blood for Jehovah’s Witness minors – particularly with...
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