418651_4720The various media outlets regularly carry news concerning the Watchtower Society’s blood policy and how it is impacting the lives of millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. It is a challenge to try and keep up with all of these stories. Perhaps the simplest strategy is to create a Google alert for “Jehovah’s Witness, Watchtower, Blood” and have the stories sent to your personal email address. We will provide links to some of the stories that come to our attention. You can also find additional experiences here.

Silenced – The Rado Vleugel Story

My name is Rado Vleugel. I was born on January 1, 1973 in the city of Amsterdam while fire crackers where making a lot of noise. The January 15, 1994 Watchtower page 22 tells something about my history as a Witness of Jehovah: "Rado, mentioned earlier, was six years...

Jehovah’s Witness girl saved by court

In an article written by Zelda Venter and published on June 7, 2014, by IOL news of South Africa, a 10-year-old Jehovah's Witness girl was saved in South Africa when "The Centre for Child Law" in Pretoria instructed an advocate to go to the Durban High Court after...

Media Guide

The information below is taken directly from the written instructions provided to Hospital Liaison Committee members who take Seminar II, as provided by the Watchtower Society and shows how both the HLC and JW parents are coached to deal with the media. We have added...

Watchtower Commits Perjury

In a shocking development, we have learned the Watchtower Society perjured itself before the European Commission on Human Rights. This is a commission that operates under authority of the World Court, and to which the Watchtower Society apparently submitted a false...